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Who is AC the PD? The Platform DTLA Interviews AC the PD, Memorial Day 2023

The Platform DTLA Interview with AC the PD: Memorial Day 2023

Who is AC the PD? The Platform DTLA Interviews AC the PD, Memorial Day 2023

In the realm of hip hop, few names carry as much weight and respect as AC the Program Director. With his impeccable ear for beats, signature scratching techniques, and a relentless commitment to preserving the essence of the genre, AC the Program Director has cemented his legacy as a true pioneer and influential figure in the world of hip hop. From his work with HipHop Philosophy Records to his collaborations with an array of celebrated artists, AC’s mixes have left an indelible mark on hip hop music and culture, shaping its evolution over time and continuing to resonate with audiences today.

Making Real Hip Hop Music, Influential Production Techniques:

What sets AC the Program Director apart is his ability to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary. AC’s meticulous crate-digging skills and keen ear for samples have given birth to timeless classics. By blending elements from various musical genres, AC crafted an unmistakable sound that became synonymous with the gritty aesthetic of LA’s hip hop scene.

Moreover, AC’s production techniques, such as the “chopping” method, where he would slice up samples into smaller fragments and rearrange them, added a unique and unpredictable dimension to his beats. This approach created an element of surprise and freshness that captivated listeners and fellow artists alike.

Watch The Platform Shop LA, Live Interview with Angee Smallz and AC the PD!

AC The PD’s Collaborations with Hip Hop Icons

AC the Program Director’s impact extends beyond his work with his Radio Station and Mixtapes. Throughout his illustrious career, he has collaborated with a plethora of hip hop icons, bringing his distinctive touch to their projects. Artists like Percee P, Schooly D, Dooley O, People Under The Stairs, Jedi Mind Tricks, MF DOOM, and KRS-One have all sought AC’s expertise, recognizing his ability to elevate their music with his unmatched production style.

AC’s collaborations often result in unforgettable tracks that become instant classics. The iconic scratches and soulful samples in his edits and production are infectious head-nodding grooves. Most Recently the release of his latest beat tapes, B-Boy Beats #13 & B-Boy Beats #14 are just a glimpse of AC’s unparalleled contributions to hip hop’s sonic landscape.

AC The PD’s Influence on Hip Hop Culture:

AC the Program Director’s impact on hip hop music and culture cannot be overstated. His distinct sound and innovative production techniques laid the foundation for future generations of hip hop producers and artists. AC’s dedication to preserving the genre’s authenticity has inspired countless musicians to dig deeper into their musical roots and develop a genuine connection with the craft.

Furthermore, AC’s influence extends to the art of DJing itself. His seamless transitions, impeccable scratching skills, and ability to read the crowd have set the standard for DJs worldwide. The Real DJ’s CREW, Love Hates Money!

AC the Program Director’s mixes have had an immeasurable impact on hip hop music and culture. His unparalleled production techniques, innovative use of samples, and dedication to preserving the essence of the genre have solidified his status as a legendary figure. AC’s influence continues to resonate with hip hop enthusiasts to this day, as his timeless beats and masterful mixes stand the test of time. As we celebrate the contributions of AC the Program Director, we recognize his role as the architect of hip hop’s enduring sound, forever shaping the genre and inspiring generations of artists to come.

New Hip Hop Events at The Platform Shop LA

With the world becoming more saturated with online connections we want to make sure you are following the right people in Hip Hop and Live arts and Music in Los Angeles. Make sure to follow Angee Smallz and the Platform Shop for more exclusive interviews and events!